Thursday, October 28, 2010

A continuation of punctum/obtuse meanings of images

I previously mentioned that when I was a child, I associated God with Curious George. This is a continuation of the same exercise. I shall take images, some by famous photographers, some by me (I like to think that I will eventually also be a famous photographer ;-D) This ties in to my career choice, as I would like to pursue photography as well as design.

First, the genius that is W. Eugene Smith:

Reality: Two children exploring a path. My thoughts: Hansel and Gretel entering into an enchanted forest.

Another by the photographer:

I'm not sure what the reality of this is, but the skewed, otherworldly angle of it brings to mind someone passing from this life to the next.

Now some by me:

This is just an old mannequin in an antique store, but when I look at it, it speaks to me of once beautiful women clinging desperately to their youth even as time chips away at their appearance.

A toy at another antique store. But to me this symbolizes a past time of racism and the wear on the toy shows that most of that era is behind us... it only exists now as a relic of harder times.

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