Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Antidefinition of my aforementioned boring name.

Laura = Mountain Laurel
Christina = Follower of Christ
Windham = defined in searchforancestors.com as "A town in the county of Norfolk, England, said to be a corruption of Wimund-han, 'the home or village of Wimund.'"

However, those strict definitions don't particularly describe me, though I do associate myself with Christianity, as it is how I was raised.

LAURA. A Laura by any other name. No, that doesn't work, then it wouldn't be Laura. Anyway, as my wise friend Erin just told me, I am named after Mountain Laurel, and I adore the mountains - Eureka! I love hiking and just... being there... and... now I'm excited.

Also, mountain analogy associated with religion. Which path shall I take? And... Petrarch! So I hike, I explore, I find different paths!

When I was a child, I got so mad when people pronounced my name "WindHAM" The H is silent. So I would tell them that I am NOT a ham on a flagpole blowing in the wind, no sir. But it proved that I kind of am a ham, in the ridiculous goofy vein. I definitely was and still to some extent am a ham. Maybe the fact that I shied away from that pronunciation means I shy away from my funny side. OR MAYBE THAT'S JUST NOT HOW IT'S PRONOUNCED.

Wind. Winddddd. Does it mean anything? Am I blowing through life's windstream like a leaf? Am I getting ridiculously philosophical? Yes. I'll stop. If I was a musician, wind could mean the instrument sections of Winds... but I'm not, so it doesn't. But I do enjoy windy weather, though not when wearing a skirt. The wind literally has bitten me in the ass many a time. Too much info. I'll stop. Wind could be associated with the climate of Scotland, where I studied abroad last semester (with miss Erin, coincidentally).

I also like Ham. It's a good food. Quality stuff.

Take away the L from my first name, you have "aura". I have an aura. Not sure what exactly it is, but I have one. Erin says goofy and colorful. Myes, colors, myes. Patterned. That is my aura. A confusion of color and pattern. I'm alright with that.

Let's see. I'm running out of associations. I shall continue later.

Note: While researching for my much later post on my emblem, I was at an Elvish language site, and had an epiphany! Laure in Elvish means "golden" or "golden haired". I am in fact golden haired, and prefer to think that I am golden as well. I also found a site which actually translates my name from English to Elvish. Here is the screen shot:

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